Monday, September 24, 2007


When I was about to turn 33, I wanted to make a mark and start a writing project that I could see to the end. Many of my other projects, well all of them, did not make it past notes or first chapter stages.

But this was a non-fiction project I could really get into: Drinking 365 different wines in 365 days. Yes, a challenge, a quest, an excuse. If I had thought about it then, the blogosphere would be the perfect place for such a project.

Alas, I did not think of it - but merely made notes on the wines and what was going on in my life. Eventually I will use these notes to complete a book about wine, food, life.

My intention with this blog is to post my original notes on the days they were written - although two years later - while I edit them into something of merit.

The launch date is March 29th, 2008 - my 35th birthday. I don't want to ruin the surprise of the limits I put on myself or what happened during my 33rd year - but as a prequel, I will feature a daily account of the wines I drink until the launch or the regression of 365 wines in 365 days.

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