Call me Ishmael. I have bagged my whale. It all started about 7 years ago when I heard a fair amount about Helen Turley's wines. Some called them over priced, over extracted, over blown - while others called them fantastic. I had a Zin about five years ago and didn't think that much for the price. BUT I have always wanted to try The White Coat - a Rhone white blend - just have never had the opportunity to drink it. I have seen it on some wine lists, but it is hard to get a $125 wine when you don't know what it will taste like or if you will like it.
About three years ago, a couple that will remain nameless, came into the restaurant with a bottle of The White Coat. They asked if I had tried it, and I said no, but I have always wanted to. They said it was fantastic, one of their favorites. Did they offer me a taste? NO. Bastards.
Anyway, as we were trying different reds at Sam's house while his wife, Kelly, was in NYC, I saw three bottles of The White Coat in his wine fridge. When he wanted to switch up to white, he offered a bottle of the Turley and I said yes please! He said it was one of Kelly's favorites, and guess what, she arrived with a cheese plate from Murray's and was psyched to open The White Coat. The stars were in alignment.
On the nose, sticky rice, marijuana, butterscotch, sweet stink. On the tongue, big dried apricot, saffron and white raisin - maybe some wild yeast? It was like biting into a perfect danish - sort of.
From my notes: Sam loves the Turley. His notes: I am loving this wine, buy it like no tomorrow for $28! He got four bottles from WineBid - way below retail. I love this wine too. Maybe I can find some to buy for myself!